Everyone uses dashboards differently and we understand that. So it is important that you have the facility to be able to display particular data groups which you would like to have control on and understand their progression over time.
This is why you can create and access all of your custom dashboards right from the Home screen.
Depending on how you decide to design your dashboards, the pods can show you straightforward numerical counts, tabular lists or visually informative maps and intuitive graphs using colour coding to indicate downward or upward trend; all driven by the details from the associated workspace views.
Dashboards support workspace view pods from most major workspaces; including customers, quotes, jobs, invoices, assets, sites and workforce.
Since the pods come in a variety of sizes ranging from XS, S, M and L based on the pod types, you can always move the pods around and design your dashboard in a neat grid-like fashion.
In this article, we will see how to
Creating a dashboard
STEP 1 Open the new dashboard creation wizard from your home screen
STEP 2 Name the new dashboard in a way that easily informs you its use and utility from the other custom dashboards.
Your new dashboard is ready. It has no analytics at the moment, just a clean slate for you to design and organise data that's effective and easy to read at any time.
You will customise this dashboard by adding pods.
Adding pods to a dashboard
You can add pods to a brand new dashboard and also an existing custom dashboard. With pods driven by the workspace views that you control, the options to display and share data is virtually limitless.
STEP 1 For a new dashboard, go ahead with the prompt on screen to add a new pod.
Another way to add pods is through the +Add Pod button, which will be used extensively on any existing custom dashboards (provided you have the custom dashboards add-on available on your plan)
STEP 2 Select the area within your Loc8 system from where you want to draw data into the new pod.
You can make selections from the major workspaces and choose a specific workspace view (also called quickview) currently available on that workspace.
If you are after a particular data that is not part of the given set of workspace view, you can create your own workspace view.
Form more information, see the article Using Quickviews to Personalise your Views.
STEP 3 Select the way you want the data to be drawn and visually represented for the chosen workspace view.
Display types for pods and their allowed sizes
You have four types of pods. Each pod types can be created in their allowed sizes. You can also finetune the display settings, such as in Graph and List, as suited to your needs.
Graph - It allows you set data performance against a given time period, with constant feedback on the rise and drop through the threshold colours.
Graph pods can have S, M, L sizes.
An example of the settings allowed in a Graph pod is shown below:
List - It allows you to see the top results for the selected workspace views in a tabular format with a maximum of two columns, besides the ID column.
List pods can have M,L sizes.
An example of the setting allowed in a List pod is shown below:
Map - It shows the top results for the selected workspace views with respect to their geographical location.
Map pods can have M, L sizes.
Basic - It shows the real-time numerical count for the items in the associated workspace view.
Basic pods can have XS, S sizes.
In this article, we will proceed with the graph display type.
STEP 4 Select the pod size that's ideal for you to design or organise the layout of your dashboard.
STEP 5 Finish the pod creation by entering the mandatory details and changing the display configurations as per your preference.
The pod is ready and is now added to your dashboard.
In this way, you can add multiple pods on a dashboard to track a variety of workspace views from one screen.
Set a dashboard as a global default
A great way to keep everyone on the same page is to make a specific dashboard available for viewing at the global level in your company that also serves as the default dashboard when someone logs in for the first time or logs again after a session timeout.
All you have to do is set the dashboard as default, which will apply across all users having permissions to view dashboards.
NOTE: The default dashboard does not interrupt your flow of working with your the dashboards you use most often. Your home screen will always show the last viewed dashboard even on refreshing the page or when you log in within an ongoing session.
STEP 1 From the list of custom dashboards, look for the required dashboard and open it for editing the settings.
STEP 2 Enable the option to set the dashboard as a global default.
STEP 3 Now when you look up the dashboard from the dropdown list, you will see that it is set as default.
NOTE: The Set as Default option will remain disabled till another dashboard is made the default.