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Variables Used in Message Templates
Variables Used in Message Templates

Know the variables that can be inserted within the body of the message templates to act as placeholders for the actual values in real-time

Updated over a week ago

The variables are divided into the following categories based on their context:


1 Variables to Display your Company Details

These may be used in any message template

  • Name:{{businessUnit.companyName}}

  • Number: {{businessUnit.companyNumber}}

  • Email: {{}}

  • Phone: {{businessUnit.telephoneWork}}

  • Fax: {{businessUnit.fax}}

  • Website: {{}}

  • Postal address: {{businessUnit.postalAddress.formattedAddress}}

  • Billing / Street address: {{businessUnit.streetAddress.formattedAddress}}

2 Generic Contact Variables

Any contact variable such as Recipient, Customer, Owner, Requestor, Alternate Contact, Site Contact (specified below with an asterisk i.e. * ) may be appended with these generic variables in order to include the respective field.

  • Full name: displayName

  • First name: firstName

  • Last name: lastName

  • Email:email

  • Phone: telephoneWork

For example, {{recipient.displayName}} or {{customer.firstName}} and so on.

3 Message Recipient

This may be used in any message template, however the variable will only be populated where the recipient already exists in Loc8 as a customer, customer contact or user.

  • Recipient *: {{recipient.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

Where CONTACT-VARIABLE will be replaced by one of the generic contact variables discussed in section 2 Generic contact variables.


These variables are only available in the Job Message Templates category, and will only be populated when the template is used in automation rules triggered by a Job, Appointment or Assignee/Technician event.

 1 Basic

  • Customer *: {{workOrder.customer.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

  • ID: {{workOrder.workOrderNumber}}

  • Reference: {{workOrder.reference}}

  • Lifecycle: {{workOrder.status}}

  • Status: {{workOrder.subStatus}}

  • Type: {{workOrder.type}}

  • Priority: {{workOrder.priority}}

  • Subject: {{workOrder.subject}}

  • Start by: {{workOrder.latestStart}}

  • Due by: {{workOrder.dueDate}}

  • Owner *: {{workOrder.owner.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

  • Requestor *: {{workOrder.requestor.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

  • Alternate contact *: {{workOrder.siteContact.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

 2 Location (if saved as a Site)

  • Address: {{}}

  • Site name: {{}}

  • Site ID: {{workOrder.siteId}}

  • Site contact *: {{}}

3 Appointment

  • Scheduled start time: {{workOrder.activeAppointment.start}}

  • Scheduled end time: {{workOrder.activeAppointment.end}}

4 Meta

  • Created: {{workOrder.createdDate}}

  • Updated: {{workOrder.lastUpdated}}

  • Web view URL: {{#workOrder.htmlLink}}Link text{{/workOrder.htmlLink}}

5 Financials

  • Total excluding tax: {{workOrder.totalExcludingTax}}

  • Total tax: {{workOrder.totalTax}}

  • Total including tax: {{workOrder.totalIncludingTax}}


These variables are only available in the Quote Message Templates category, and will only be populated when the template is used in automation rules triggered by a Quote event.

1 Basic

  • Customer *: {{quote.customer.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

  • ID:  {{quote.quoteNumber}}

  • Status: {{quote.subStatus}}

  • Subject: {{quote.subject}}

  • Owner *: {{quote.owner.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

  • Requestor *: {{quote.requestor.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

  • Alternate contact *: {{quote.siteContact.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

 2 Location (if saved as a Site)

  • Address: {{}}

  • Site name: {{}}

  • Site ID: {{quote.siteId}}

  • Site contact *: {{}}

3 Meta

  • Created: {{quote.createdDate}}

  • Updated: {{quote.lastUpdated}}

  • Web view URL: {{#quote.htmlLink}}Link text{{/quote.htmlLink}}

4 Financials

  • Total excluding tax: {{quote.totalExcludingTax}}

  • Total tax: {{quote.totalTax}}

  • Total including tax: {{quote.totalIncludingTax}}


These variables are only available in the Invoice Message Templates category, and will only be populated when the template is used in automation rules triggered by an Invoice event.

1 Basic

  • Customer *: {{invoice.customer.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

  • ID: {{invoice.invoiceNumber}}

  • Status: {{invoice.status}}

  • Total charge: {{invoice.totalCharge}}

2 Meta

  • Created: {{invoice.createdDate}}

  • Updated: {{invoice.lastUpdated}}

  • Web view URL: {{#quote.htmlLink}}Link text{{/quote.htmlLink}}

3 Financials

  • Total excluding tax: {{invoice.totalExcludingTax}}

  • Total tax: {{invoice.totalTax}}

  • Total including tax: {{invoice.totalIncludingTax}}


These variables are only available in the Asset Message Templates category, and will only be populated when the template is used in automation rules triggered by an Asset event.

1 Basic

  • Customer *: {{asset.customer.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

  • ID: {{asset.assetId}}

  • Status: {{asset.status}}

  • Type: {{}}

  • Serial: {{asset.serialNumber}}

  • Condition: {{asset.condition}}

  • Statutory maintenance: {{asset.statutoryMaintenance}}

  • Critical infrastructure: {{asset.criticalInfrastructure}}

  • Current value: {{asset.currentValue}}

  • Replacement value: {{asset.replacementValue}}

  • Purchase date: {{asset.purchaseDate}}

  • Purchase cost: {{asset.purchaseCost}}

  • Warranty end date: {{asset.warrantyEndDate}}

  • Owner *: {{asset.owner.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

  • Maintainer *: {{asset.defaultMaintainer.CONTACT-VARIABLE}}

 2 Location (if nested under a Site)

  • Address: {{}}

  • Site name: {{}}

  • Site ID: {{}}

  • Site contact *: {{}}

3 Meta

  • Created: {{asset.created}}

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