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Release notes - 18th July 2024
Updated over a week ago

New features

All major workspaces now allow you to save empty filters with your custom views

  • Previously a filter would only be saved if it had a value other than the default All

  • The ability to save empty filters will allow you to create more meaningful views that provide a broader view of your data to begin with, with the ability to then easily filter down to what you're looking for without having to find the right filter every time


  • The job workspace has been expanded with

    • An optional Trade column, which displays trades associated to tasks and/or activities

    • An optional corresponding Trade filter

    • An optional Completed column, which displays the date and time that the job was first completed

  • The job inspector project details panel now includes cross linking to the project inspector and project public view

  • The project inspector now includes the ability to share and export via public links and PDF's using the modern document template style available everywhere else

  • Continuing from our June 26 release, the summary of aggregate job charges on the project inspector has been expanded to include aggregate job costs

  • If activities are enabled on your system, the job importer now supports activities

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