New and improved
Workforce timesheet report
A brand new report is now available in the Workforce reporting area which provides a consolidated view of labour time logs and related charge / cost information as recorded against jobs, viewable in the contexts of
We'd love to hear your thoughts and take input on the future direction of the report, so please send through any feedback.
Inventory usage report
A brand new report is now available in the Jobs reporting area which provides a consolidated view of inventory usage logs and related charge / cost information as recorded against jobs, viewable in the contexts of
Inventory types
Inventory categories
We'd love to hear your thoughts and take input on the future direction of the report, so please send through any feedback.
Simplified workforce un-assignment from jobs
Users, technicians and contractors can now be unassigned from jobs irrespective of their assignment status, meaning they can be removed when en route to a job, on site, checked out and so on.
Previously this wasn't possible due to the technical challenges that arise when un-assigning someone from a job whilst in progress, namely that if they were using the mobile app in an offline mode whilst un-assigned they then wouldn't be able to sync all of their job related changes and logs back. This limitation still remains, however we now warn the user when un-assigning someone from a job rather than blocking it outright.
To ensure the smoothest possible experience, when someone is unassigned from a job a notification will be sent to their mobile device to ensure they are aware of the change. Note: This notification will be available from mobile app version 1.7.18 onwards.
Changes to postal / billing addresses
The 'Postal address' field on customers and in the primary company configuration area have been renamed to 'Billing address'.
When creating or updating a customer, the 'Billing address' is now automatically pre-filled from the 'Primary address' if a billing address hasn't been specified.
The 'Billing address' field can now be used reliably across document exports such as Quote, Job and Invoice PDFs or public web views.
Changes to the invoice attention field
When an invoice is created, the attention field will now be populated in the following order of priority
Customer billing contact if they exist, otherwise
Customer primary contact if they exist, otherwise
It will be left empty
Previously, if there was no customer billing contact the attention field would be populated with the customer itself, leading to unnecessary duplication of details in those cases where a dedicated billing contact isn't used.
Entity creation and type usability improvements
The primary create button in most workspaces has had a minor rejig to support
A main button area, which when clicked pre-selects the entity type that is set as the system default. For example, when clicking create in the jobs workspace the 'Work order' type would be pre-selected if it were the default.
A drop down button area, which when clicked shows the list of available types for that entity. This was the default behaviour previously for the entire button.
The create screen / wizard for most entities now includes the type selector in the top header bar to facilitate changing the type after the create button has been clicked.
For example, if you selected 'Work order' when clicking create in the jobs workspace, you could then change the type to 'Inspection' in the create screen / wizard.
Please note that it is not possible to change the type for an entity after it has actually been created.
Some minor changes have also come into play for quotes
The default quote type has been renamed from 'Default' to 'Quote'
A new quote type 'Estimate' has been added
General usability improvements
Emails shown on the messages tab of any inspector (i.e. a job) now include to and from name and email address details.
Job, asset and workforce maps have been stripped back considerably so as to improve the visibility of Loc8 relevant data, as opposed to all Google maps locations of interest.
Contractor portal 'users' are now able to edit tasks that were created or completed by others on their team. This function was previously only available to the portal 'admin' user, and as of this change now brings the behaviour and functionality of the portal 'user' and 'admin' inline in all ways other than
The 'admin' being the primary assignee in the parent system.
The 'admin' being able to manage their workforce.
Job task tab columns have been resized to improve visibility of item and asset details.
Bug fixes
An issue that caused an error to display when editing an asset type name has been resolved.
An issue that broke the project share / export action has been resolved.
An issue that prevented some schedule generated jobs from associating to regions has been resolved.
An issue that occasionally prevented the correct display of the 'Create a resolution job' action when reporting a problem has been resolved.
An issue that occasionally caused an error when opening the integrations area has been resolved.