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Release Notes - 26 August 2021

Read the list of new features, improvements and issues resolved in this release

Updated over a week ago

Feature improvements and changes

The SMS addon is now easier to configure and use

For existing and new Loc8 customers

  • All new users, technicians, customers, and contractors with a portal enabled are now automatically opted in to receive SMS notifications. Please note that

    • This does not affect existing users, technicians, customers, or contractors, all of whom still require manual opt-in per contact

    • SMS sending will not occur unless the SMS addon is enabled

    • SMS sending will not occur unless the SMS delivery channel is enabled against notification automation rules

  • Entity public links (i.e. the public job url) are now available in SMS (and email) message templates in plain text, rather than as formatted HTML. This will provide cleaner and much shorter SMS messages where the link is included.

For new Loc8 customers only (i.e no impact to existing customers)

  • All standard Loc8 notification automation rules are now configured to send via Email only, thus requiring SMS to be enabled per rule

  • All standard Loc8 notifications that can be sent via SMS now include message templates out of the box

Other minor improvements include

  • When assigning a job, assignees are now grouped by license type to help find the right assignee quicker

  • When viewing jobs in the calendar context it's now possible to open the full inspector

  • Creating and linking inbound emails to quotes, jobs, invoices and projects has been improved to provide more consistent behaviour

  • When viewing an invoice via the public link / web view, or via PDF export, the initiating job location is included below the job identifier

  • When configuring automation rules against problems, it's now possible to add a type condition

  • When modifying the start date of an active preventative maintenance schedule location any existing events will be re-calculated. Previously, existing events were not recalculated unless the location was first disabled.

  • Several invoice column names that were exported incorrectly have been aligned with the front end names

  • When an entity is deleted, a history record is now stored and available for interrogation via API history endpoints

  • Several performance improvements to job search and import functions

  • Various minor styling improvements

Bug fixes

  • An issue that allowed inactive and/or disabled users and technicians to be assigned to jobs has been resolved

  • An issue has been resolved that caused workspace lists to bounce up and down when scrolling

  • An issue has been resolved that prevented the correct loading of the calendar interface for basic and standard technicians has been resolved

  • An issue that prevented the deletion of attachments against job sub-tasks has been resolved

  • An issue has been resolved that prevented emails from being attached to a project when sent via the 'Share and export' mechanism

  • An issue has been resolved that caused broken links to appear to contractors on the launch panel upon login

  • An error that was thrown upon deletion and subsequent creation of a region has been resolved

  • An error that was thrown upon saving a custom field (string) with a space in the string has been resolved

  • An error that was thrown when importing assets without a type has been resolved

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