View Jobs

Learn how to view jobs from different perspectives: on map, calendar, with respect to asset/site, customer, and quotes

Updated over a week ago

With the number of jobs growing quickly, the best way to handle them is through viewing through multiple perspectives, each one show that specific information you need at that moment to seek the right information about the job.

The most familiar view is the list view, which is also the default view when you open the job workspace. Through this article you will find other display modes of viewing jobs, as explained in the following sections below:

Default view or the List view

The List view is how the jobs will be displayed any time you log into your account and navigate to the jobs workspace.

View jobs on a map

The map view shows the geographic placement of all the jobs that are spread across the region.

You'll find that multiple jobs that exist at one location are clustered together. So to view the jobs individually, just click on that job cluster.

When you're in the map view, you can perform all of the frequently used actions like assigning, setting appointment, changing status etc. on individual jobs as well as execute bulk operations.

View jobs in a calendar

You can view jobs in the calendar to see your team's schedule for a day, week (including work week), month or a specific day. The best use of this view is that it allows you to plan the next appointment or reschedule an appointment. It's as easy as a drag and drop of the appointment on the timeline.

Additionally, the calendar gives you the advantage of browsing through a list of unscheduled jobs so you can quickly schedule them and assign with workforce right from here.

The Work week and Week modes display time on the horizontal axis, with the vertical axis being used to group appointments by Assignee. This layout mirrors that of the Daily view and provides a more consistent experience when moving between Daily, Weekly and Monthly modes

The layout in the Weekly and Work week modes show you the appointments that fall outside of business hours, helping to avoid missed appointments.

You will notice that the colours of appointments in the calendar are now based on Job statuses rather than assignment. This is possible as assignment is now always visible in the Daily and Weekly modes

View jobs with respect to a customer

With customer-focussed job view you are able to view jobs exclusive to the customer and identify their job trends. This can help you plan out upcoming jobs they may need in their premises. You can instantly action jobs from this view, such as creating new jobs or making quick changes if required such as updating their location, setting appointments or assigning those jobs to workforce.

You will find those jobs right under the Customers area as shown below:

In the Jobs tab within the Customer inspector, you will see a list of jobs. You can make quick edits right from here, such as create a new job, update the subject and location, set the appointment or assign the job to your workforce.

View jobs with respect to assets/sites

When your team works on a specific asset or site, it's easier to view jobs from the perspective of that asset or site.

Viewing jobs against its respective asset or site helps to create work requests right from the Assets area and identify a servicing trends through the past works done. This often leads to designing a preventative maintenance plan for your customer with regards to such assets or sites and plan out the necessary stock of inventory and team of experts from within your workforce that are required towards handling the services for the asset or site.

You will find all the jobs related to an asset or site right under the Assets tab as shown below:

View jobs with respect to quotes

You can view jobs created from quotes right on the Quotes inspector through a quick access link. This makes it easy for you to reference between quote and job workspaces.

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