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View Job History

Learn how to access the actions performed on the job in the past and browse through the details to know who, when and what were the changes

Updated over a week ago

The history of changes made to a job till date gives you an insight into the updates the job has undergone, thereby allowing you to browse through the information on past changes and use them as a reliable reference to resolve any current issues. The details of the changes pan from Date, Details, Entity type (job, appointment, etc.), old and latest value up to the users who had made the changes.  

STEP 1 From the main menu bar on the left panel, select the Jobs and Projects icon.

In the Jobs workspace, select the required job and expand its inspector.

In the main inspector, select the History tab.

STEP 2 Here you can find a specific change made to the job by filtering out the records from the collection of information.

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