Edit job
You can edit job details to record any changes you may come across while working on the job.
You can edit the following details:
Job subject and description
Priority (High, Normal or Urgent)
Start by and Due by dates
Reference data
Add or change alternate contact. If you cannot find that particular person in the list of contacts, you can add them as a new contact.
Schedule appointment
If a job doesn't have an appointment scheduled or if you need to update the scheduled appointment, you can easily set that yourself.
Assign job to another technician
You can share a job, which has been created by you or has been assigned to you, with other technicians, to collaboratively work on the job.
Call a customer contact
You will find the customer's direct number or specific contact people like the primary contact and the site contact right on the job.
Change job status
You can change the status of a job back and forth its lifecycle, between Accepted, En-route, Onsite and Checked Out states, so as to represent the actual stage of the job in field.
All the technicians assigned to that job will see the latest job status on their mobile app, as and when any one of them changes the job status.
NOTE: A few points to keep in mind while managing the job status:
You will not be able to change the job status while working on its associated task. Complete the task first and then change the status to the next allowed job status.
Once you have started working on a job, you cannot go back to the Accepted status, unless all tasks are completed.
To know more about the job lifecycle, read our article Introduction to Jobs.